Community Partners Page 2
Sleepawake Camp
Tuition with Scholarships Available
Sleepawake Camp addresses the neglected dimensions of our lives, orienting us toward a sense of wholeness and authentic happiness through science, psychology, game-play, and ancient wisdom.
Young adult participants (ages 18-30) will experience the extraordinary potential of their lives, mentored by gifted facilitators in this unique four-week program.
InStill Daily Meditations
Dharma Homies Daily Meditations
Weekly Pause with Peace in Schools
Inward Bound Community: Northeast Retreat Monthly Meetup
To stay connected and support each other’s practice, we host a monthly meetup for our Northeast Retreat members on the last Sunday of the month. We’ll meditate, connect and reflect on what mindfulness practice is like off retreat. Open to all Northeast retreat attendees and alums via zoom.
The Contemplative Semester
Tuition with Scholarships Available
A deep dive into mindfulness meditation, beloved community, and earth connection for 18-25 year olds.
The Contemplative Semester is a 14-week residential immersion into the depths of the human experience. Drawing from Buddhist wisdom and meditation practice as the foundation, you’ll have the chance to deeply connect with yourself, a community of shared values, and the living earth as you explore your unique path to greater peace, love, joy and purpose.