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Apr 17 Info Session: Mindfulness Teen Retreat

Online via Zoom

Mindfulness retreats provide young people with the rare opportunity to experience uninterrupted and genuine insight into their own life experience while connecting with their peers and mindfulness teachers in a welcoming and safe community. Come for the fun & friends. Stay for the calm & community.


Apr 17 Info Session: Mindfulness Teen Retreat

Online via Zoom

Mindfulness retreats provide young people with the rare opportunity to experience uninterrupted and genuine insight into their own life experience while connecting with their peers and mindfulness teachers in a welcoming and safe community. Come for the fun & friends. Stay for the calm & community.


Sleepawake Camp

Wisdom House Litchfield, CT

Tuition with Scholarships Available

Sleepawake Camp addresses the neglected dimensions of our lives, orienting us toward a sense of wholeness and authentic happiness through science, psychology, game-play, and ancient wisdom.

Young adult participants (ages 18-30) will experience the extraordinary potential of their lives, mentored by gifted facilitators in this unique four-week program.

Southern California Summer Teen Retreat

Big Bear Retreat Center 1000 Sugarpine Rd, Big Bear, CA

Mindfulness retreats provide young people with the rare opportunity to experience uninterrupted and genuine insight into their own life experience while connecting with their peers and mindfulness teachers in a welcoming and safe community. Come for the fun & friends. Stay for the calm & community.

Cost: Sliding Scale

Insight Meditation Community of Washington: Family Retreat

Seven Oaks Retreat Center 403 Pathwork Way, Madison, VA, United States

Share family quality time together in a supportive community with a balance of engaged activities and free time for the whole family. The retreat programming is for parents, grandparents, and guardians with children ages 5+ interested in cultivating deeper presence, joy, resilience, and connection in everyday family life. Adolescents age 14-20 may register along with their families.

Midwest Summer Teen Retreat

Glenn Wood Hills Retreat Center 10747 Tide Road, Derby, IN, United States

Mindfulness retreats provide young people with the rare opportunity to experience uninterrupted and genuine insight into their own life experience while connecting with their peers and mindfulness teachers in a welcoming and safe community. Come for the fun & friends. Stay for the calm & community.

Cost: Sliding Scale

Northeast Summer Teen Retreat

Prindle Pond Retreat Center 19 Harrington Rd, Charlton, MA

Mindfulness retreats provide young people with the rare opportunity to experience uninterrupted and genuine insight into their own life experience while connecting with their peers and mindfulness teachers in a welcoming and safe community. Come for the fun & friends. Stay for the calm & community.

Cost: Sliding Scale

Touching the Earth

Edelglass Homestead Marlboro, VT

A three-week immersion for young adults on a Vermont homestead to cultivate self-awareness and deepen relationships with others and the living earth.

Insight Meditation Retreat for Young Adults

Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

Tuition levels and scholarships available. An in-person retreat for 18-32 year olds.

In this retreat dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of young adults in these difficult times, we will co-create a refuge from all forms of oppression, a nourishing refuge of rest and rejuvenation. With the Buddhist teachings of wisdom and compassion as our guide, we will cultivate a wholehearted attention to the present moment, waking up from worldly delusion and developing embodied ease, clarity, and kindness.

Spirit Rock Young Adult Retreat

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Retreat to be held on the land at Spirit Rock. Open to ages 18-32.

Come practice silent mindfulness and Insight Meditation for a week in community with your peers. Give yourself a break from constant overstimulation and external demands as we create a supportive space for cultivating greater inner calm, spaciousness, and presence.

Wake Up Retreat for BIPOC Folks

An in-person retreat for BIPOC individuals

Aware that People of Color, as individuals and communities, may have similar lived experiences, including of intended and unintended discrimination, we provide circle sharing groups offered by an experienced facilitator, in which People of Color can express themselves freely and feel safer. It is reserved for People of Color only, in order to cultivate an environment that can support our individual and collective transformation and healing.

Event Series Workshop: Growing Your Self

Workshop: Growing Your Self

Ky Aldrich is a teen mindfulness instructor currently gaining certification through Inward Bound. This workshop will be trauma-informed and offered to teens and young adults ages 14-20 years old.

In this 4-part online workshop, we will explore how mindfulness practices can be used to get to know who we are in this present moment. This workshop is great for teens 14-20 years old eager to discover how to:
- bring more self-compassion to their lives,
- make clearer decisions, and
- tap into their inner wise teacher

The Contemplative Semester

Potash Hill, VT

Tuition with Scholarships Available

A deep dive into mindfulness meditation, beloved community, and earth connection for 18-25 year olds.

The Contemplative Semester is a 14-week residential immersion into the depths of the human experience. Drawing from Buddhist wisdom and meditation practice as the foundation, you’ll have the chance to deeply connect with yourself, a community of shared values, and the living earth as you explore your unique path to greater peace, love, joy and purpose.

Oct 7 Info Session: Mindfulness Teen Retreat

Online via Zoom

Join us for a free info session -- learn all about our mindfulness teen retreats! Ask any questions you may have, and hear from teens who have been on retreat.


Rhythm of Connection: Relational Mindfulness Retreat

Big Bear Retreat Center 1000 Sugarpine Rd, Big Bear, CA

Embracing Quietude and Mindful Communication w/ Ofosu Jones-Quartey, Anthony "T" Maes, and Devon Sangster Rath

Tuition levels and scholarships available.

Join us for a transformative retreat that thoughtfully balances the power of silence with the art of communication, all taught through a trauma-informed lens. Our program is uniquely designed, dedicating half of our time to silent meditation and somatic expression, and the other half to engaging in relational mindfulness through thoughtful speaking and interaction. We look forward to guiding you on this balanced and empathetic journey, offering tools and insights that honor your individual experiences.

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet

7 week course: 3-7 hours per week, combination of self-paced content and live events.

Do you have a deep sense of care for the Earth, and want to find ways to bring mindfulness to your climate response? This new online journey harnesses the wisdom of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh to teach us how to face challenging feelings and create a sense of freedom and possibility. It is designed to empower the human resilience we need to face our current situation.

New Year’s Teen Retreat: Northeast

Prindle Pond Retreat Center 19 Harrington Rd, Charlton, MA

for teens 15-19 years old

Ring in the new year with mindfulness, merriment, and meaningful conversations. Join us in Massachusetts for 4 nights, 5 days of community and connection. Set the tone for your 2025 in the company of good people and rich insights.

Cost: Sliding Scale

New Year’s Teen Retreat: NorCal

Black Mountain Retreat Center 23125 Fort Ross Rd, Cazadero, California

for teens 15-19 years old

Ring in the new year with mindfulness, merriment, and meaningful conversations. Join us in Northern California for 4 nights, 5 days of community and connection. Set the tone for your 2025 in the company of kind people and mindful insights.

Cost: Sliding Scale

[postponed] Young Adult Retreat: Virginia

Floyd Ecovillage 188 Eco Village Trail, Floyd, Virginia

for young adults 18-32 years old

Ring in the new year with mindfulness, merriment, and meaningful conversations. Join us in the Virginia area for 4 nights, 5 days of community and connection. Set the tone for your 2025 with the guidance of mindfulness teachers and in good company.

Cost: Sliding Scale

Event Series Waking Up to Whiteness

Waking Up to Whiteness

Waking Up to Whiteness - A White Anti-Racist Affinity Space

6-week series

Mondays 6-7:30pm PT / 9-10:30pm ET

This course is for self-identified white people. It offers the opportunity to use relational mindfulness practice in community with other white folks to deepen in our understanding of whiteness and how it functions in our world and lives. We will discover together how to create supportive white anti-racist culture and community.


Event Series Dharma Homies Daily Meditations

Dharma Homies Daily Meditations

Online via Zoom

Suggested donation is $5-$15.

Dharma Homies is a collective of mindfulness facilitators and teachers. They aim to offer teachings in a way which both honors the lineage and roots of Buddhism while also making them accessible to a broader audience, specifically marginalized communities.