master the basics of mindfulness
Meet everyday moments of being a teenager with these mindfulness tools and practices. As teens, we encounter challenges and opportunities as we navigate between family, school, friends, work, responsibility, relaxation, and more. This 10-session course explores these realms and guides participants through fundamental practices for living a life that is aware, authentic, and connected.

session 1: coming to our senses
In this session, we’ll learn a mindfulness meditation we call “coming to our senses”. Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment with kindness and curiosity. Since our body is always in the present moment, awareness of sensations in our body and from our five senses helps create a strong foundation for mindfulness practice. During our next session, we’ll build on this foundation by focusing on how to keep our attention in the present moment with greater stability and ease.
get the Course: $10
teen retreat experience
Explore what happens on retreat, why teens love them, and the overall benefits of our mindfulness retreats.
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