Collaborative Leadership Team
Since 2017, Inward Bound has been engaged in shifting our organizational structure from a typical hierarchical, top-down power structure to a Collaborative Leadership System built upon shared decision-making, intentional feedback, and transparency. This system also extends to a network of committees and the Board, that work with the staff to lead the organization.

Staff Leadership
Staff leadership holds responsibility for day-to-day functioning of the organization and achieving long-term strategic goals. In our Collaborative Leadership System, job titles are replaced with domains of responsibility and decision-making, which are reflected for each staff leader below.

Support Staff
The support staff consists of individuals and organizations who support our work across programs, marketing, outreach, digital media, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, and miscellaneous operational and administrative responsibilities.

Board of Directors
Inward Bound’s board is built by each of our stipend-supported standing committees fulfilling a member seat. This integrated process makes board membership more accessible and brings a full diversity of perspectives into leadership.

Committees are near-permanent circles of collaborative leadership. Together, they make up the innermost matrix of responsibility and power at Inward Bound. They are self-sustaining, responsible for electing members and adapting general collaborative committee guidelines to serve themselves and the whole system best. A member from each committee holds a seat on the Board of Directors.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Committee
The DEIA Committee holds responsibility for offering input and feedback on DEIA priorities for the organization, for helping train new and existing members of the community, and for holding the organization accountable for the DEIA priorities it sets in place
Guiding Teachers Committee
The GTC holds responsibility for setting qualifications and evaluations for Inward Bound teachers, approving new teachers according to an established approval process, supporting the development and mentoring of Inward Bound teachers, and resolving any code of ethics issues as they arise.

Chas DiCapua
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Dawn Scott
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Dori Langevin
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Jessica Morey
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JoAnna Hardy
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Jose Shinzan Palma
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The YAC Committee holds responsibility for advising all other committees with the voice of youth within the organization. The YAC offers input and feedback on decisions that are made in the realms of programs, marketing, and community engagement with the goal of centering youth experience at Inward Bound.

new committee members coming soon
Inward Bound advisors are leaders in the fields of mindfulness, education, nonprofit management, and business. Many advisors have been connected to Inward Bound since our founding. We are grateful to have such a significant source of wisdom available to us.